
Please click the link below to view our Computing Curriculum Overview:

Using the Internet

The following rules will help all pupils be safe when using the school’s computing facilities to search and use the Internet.

  • We will ask permission from a member of staff before using the Internet
  • We will not give our or anyone else’s personal details such as address, or telephone numbers to anyone over the Internet.
  • We will only email people with our teachers approval.
  • We will make sure any messages we do send will be polite and responsible.
  • We will report any unpleasant materials or messages sent to us or found accidentally.
  • We must understand that the school may check our computer files and may monitor the sites we visit.
  • We will not use Google Image search without permission

Using the School Computers

The following rules will help keep our Computing Suite running smoothly and will make using the suite fun and safe for everyone.

  • We will leave the ICT equipment as we would expect to find it. (laptops/computers logged off)
  • We will always remember to save our work in our own area on the network so that it does not get lost.
  • We will only access our own files in our own area.
  • We will ask permission before using any memory sticks brought into school. (All must be scanned for viruses first, to ensure they are safe)
  • We will leave all setting on the computer as we find them. (occasionally pupils will make changes accidentally, please see Mr Irvine who will fix any problems)
  • We will remember to log off after each session.

Purple Mash

In school we use a variety of different tools in computing. One of our tools is Purple Mash.

Click on the logo below to go to our schools own Purple Mash area.
